Don’t Want To Brag, But I Will Anyway…

man-with-megaphoneI write this post with a little bit of guilt.  I like to tell stories, I like to share insights, sometimes I like to give advice, but I don’t like to brag.  Most of what I have to say from here on out sounds like bragging, so I’m apologizing in advance.  Sorry!

In Not-So-Typical Second Date I spoke of a new interest named Gaby, where after our second date (and first sleep-over) I already requested that we date exclusively and she agreed.  That followed with a full Sunday of intimacy and talking where we kept making plans together for the next couple weeks.  This past week we got together on three different occasions.  The first night we got together, I decided to surprise Gaby.  During one of our Sunday conversations she mentioned a couple things she would like me to try in order to enhance her experience with our intimate moments.  Don’t let your imagination run too wild… she mainly likes to be teased, even more than me!  I thought it would be more fun if I upped the ante a little bit and take things a step farther than she asked.  It was a bit of a risk, but she LOVED it.  It made for a quite a fun night.  A few days later was Valentine’s Day.  Neither of us are a big fan of this day, but I decided I would switch gears and show my more romantic side.  Gaby finished work and arrived at my place to find a few dozen candles leading up the stairs and down the hallway to the dining room table all ready for dinner.  I know that’s quite a bit for someone I’ve only known for about two weeks, but again she loved it!  She also enjoyed the flower, card, and massage I gave her afterward.  She told me the next day it was the best Valentine’s Day she had ever had.  It made my day!

Friday night Gaby and I went went out downtown where one group of my friends were out for a birthday celebration.  We had a fun time flirting, drinking, and talking with my friends.  I thought she blended right in.  At the end of the night, however, I could tell something was off.  She was quiet and not herself.  I drove her back to her place and I stayed the night there, but we went right to sleep.  I thought perhaps she was just really drunk, so I tried not to think too much off it.  The next day I would find out we would have our first “bleep” on the radar screen as she texted me while she was working the next day that she wasn’t happy with me from the night before.  She was really busy, so I wasn’t able to find out much more about it, but she agreed to talk after she got done with work.  I spent the rest of the day stressing that I had somehow screwed things up, and she didn’t want to date me anymore.  All of my insecurities from past relationships where I had really put myself out there and fell on my face came back.  Gaby is probably the first girl in nearly 10 years that I have dated where I put myself completely out there with no back-up plan or safety net.  It’s quite scary for me!  Later that night she got home and we talked.  Apparently I had said a comment at one point of the night that hurt her feelings.  She wasn’t mad, but she wanted me to be aware of it and be more sensitive to her feelings.  I apologized, then shared the thoughts that had been going through my head all day and how stressed I was.  She told me “not to be crazy” and that she knows I care about her and wouldn’t hurt her on purpose.  It was a huge relief!  The rest of Saturday night we spent talking, sharing more stories, and more intimate moments of course.

Sunday was a continuation of the Saturday night.  Gaby had another Sunday off, which is very rare, and we took advantage with breakfast in bed and pajama day with movies and more playtime in the bedroom.  This went on all day and night as another sleepover followed.  I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun being intimate with another woman than Gaby.  We both like to flirt and tease, we are both adventurous and creative, and we both push each others boundaries in and out of the bedroom.  Even without sex, it’s the best sex I’ve ever had!  She could break me down at any moment, but I think she wants to build up to that moment as well.  I could probably start another blog just about those adventures, but that’s not what this blog is about!  Mostly I’m happy that I have met someone that I can be so open and honest with about everything, and she feels the same way.  She knows most of what I’ve already already said in these posts as well as things I haven’t had time to write about yet.  She knows I’m a recovering dateoholic and doesn’t seem to mind… maybe because she isn’t too far off from an addition herself!  Do two dateoholics who are hopeless romantics at heart have a chance if they meet when the timing seems right?  I hope so… because I’m falling for her.

13 thoughts on “Don’t Want To Brag, But I Will Anyway…

  1. Pingback: Irrational Jealousy « Secret Vulnerability

  2. Honestly, it’s probably good to have some small hiccups early in a relationship. No problems for too long probably build someone up in a ridiculous manner.

    Does seem pretty fast though.

  3. This was so lovely to read!! What I hear is authenticity… no game playing or back-up plans! Real connection, vulnerability and the awesome intensity that comes from allowing yourselves to truly ‘show up’!! I hope it works out for you both!

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